Saturday, November 5, 2011

Crunch Time

Well, we're at the halfway point of our fall semester. Aside from crunch time, mid-terms, and preparing for our final papers, it's also the time for early registration, and only two more months until the deadline for The Ink Quill Publication.

At the moment we have a small handful of students interested in submitting artwork to the publication.  Whether it be in art or literature, there are an enormous amount of talented BCC members. I am asking that we spread the word to those on campus who may not have seen the posters or submission forms. There are also faculty members, staff, alumni, and administrators who I am sure dabbled a bit in both categories. So, the goal this month is to RECRUIT...RECRUIT...RECRUIT.

Students can find the neon green submission forms in every building on campus as well as the top right sidebar of this blog. There is a drop off box for literary pieces located in the lobby of Building #1 and the Learning Resource Center.

All artwork can be scanned by the student. I am requesting scanning to be no lower than 300 resolution and 100%. For those who do not have access to a scanner or need larger (over 8.5 x 11) pieces photographed, please contact Jeanne at

Those who wish to email their pieces, please send to

For those entering their submission to the gmail account please put your name; whether you are a student, faculty, etc.; your BCC e-mail; and what category you are entering.

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